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News | April 28, 2021
1 minute read

Warner Partner Brian Wassom Provides Insight into Social Media Case Impacting Students Nationwide

WDIV Local 4 in Detroit is covering a social media case that could have a huge impact on students around the country. It began with a Pennsylvania high school cheerleader being caught venting on social media and has now been heard in the Supreme Court. The 9th grade cheerleader has been kicked off the cheer squad and the debate is being had regarding freedom of speech.

Warner Partner Brian Wassom discussed both sides of the case in an interview: “When you’re a kid, you have somewhat more restricted personal liberty. If you speak in a manner which disrupts the school environment, which is another highly important service that the government provides, then those two freedoms, the freedom to speak your mind and the obligation of the government to provide educational services, they conflict with each other.”
To read the full article and to view the video interview, click here.
To learn more about Brian Wassom’s legal practice, visit his profile.

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