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Augmented Legality
BlogsPublications | January 31, 2018
2 minute read
Augmented Legality


Since January 2011, AUGMENTED LEGALITY(R) has been my primary platform for sharing my predictions and analysis of the legal issues raised by augmented reality, virtual reality, advanced social media, and other cutting-edge emerging technologies. Although I was a law firm partner at the time, this platform was my own, hosted on my personal domain at <>.

Over the ensuing years, I've been gratified and humbled by the attention this blog has drawn. It has connected me with new clients, new friends, and new opportunities, and provided a unique platform for helping to shape the very developments I've written about.

But the time has come for this blog to follow me to my new professional home at Warner. No longer am I a solo act in these industries; WNJ has given me the support and colleagues I needed to form an industry group of lawyers and other professionals dedicated to serving clients in Emerging Media & Technologies industries. This team has already done amazing things, including by obtaining the first judicial decision extending First Amendment free speech rights to the AR medium--based on arguments I initially advanced on this blog years ago.

Nor do we limit our focus to AR/VR, exciting though that field is. For example, members of our team have also broken new ground by developing one of the leading drone law practices in the Midwest. We meet regularly as a group to deepen our understanding of industry developments and to collaborate in devising the best legal strategies for serving the companies making those developments happen. This effort has already borne fruit for our growing client base.

And we'll extend those efforts to this blog--now located at <>--where we'll share our views and insights on the legal implications of society's rapidly developing technological capabilities.

For those used to following my posts, I will maintain the responsibility of ensuring the content on this site stays fresh and interesting. And I'm sure I'll continue to share content at, although the raison d'etre of that site will evolve. All of the AUGMENTED LEGALITY(R) content prior to January 2018 that has been ported to the new server remains my voice, and my responsibility, alone. Going forward, though, I'll be joined by the voices of my colleagues, carrying forward the collaborative ethos that I love about my new law firm home.

Will you join us?