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Paul R.

  • Of Counsel

Paul Jackson practices in the areas of tax and business law. Although Paul's practice involves all aspects of federal income taxation, he has particular expertise in counseling pass-through entities, including partnerships, limited liability companies and S corporations. He's also experienced in capital transactions, mergers and acquisitions, redemptions, incorporations and liquidations. He has worked extensively with like-kind exchanges, both simultaneous and deferred, including deferred exchanges structured outside of the revenue procedures. He also has established Domestic International Sales Corporations for manufacturing companies throughout Michigan.

Paul provides tax counseling to many health care providers, including West Michigan's largest hospital group. He also works with nonprofit organizations and organizations exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

  • Restructured a Michigan nonprofit corporation, fully-taxable under federal law, into a limited liability company owned by more than 1,000 IRC Section 501(c)(3) organizations, which made it eligible for a Michigan Business Tax exemption.
  • Provided tax advice on the merger of a state-chartered banking corporation, the sale of a $200 million insurance company, the conversion of ordinary income into qualified dividends and other matters relating to acquisitions and dispositions.
  • Developed acquisition strategies for a multistate health care provider, allowing it to retain the EINs of targets while achieving asset purchase treatment.
  • Helped establish a real estate company within a consolidated group of manufacturing companies, eventually
  • Restructured a Michigan nonprofit corporation, fully-taxable under federal law, into a limited liability company owned by more than 1,000 IRC Section 501(c)(3) organizations, which made it eligible for a Michigan Business Tax exemption.
  • Provided tax advice on the merger of a state-chartered banking corporation, the sale of a $200 million insurance company, the conversion of ordinary income into qualified dividends and other matters relating to acquisitions and dispositions.
  • Developed acquisition strategies for a multistate health care provider, allowing it to retain the EINs of targets while achieving asset purchase treatment.
  • Helped establish a real estate company within a consolidated group of manufacturing companies, eventually allowing for a tax-free split-off under IRC Section 355.
  • Counseled a U.S. manufacturer with a Chinese subsidiary, enabling the manufacturer to take full advantage of a Chinese tax holiday.
  • Counseled a client involved in the eventual development, ownership and operation of a new bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario.
  • Co-author of “Tax Issues” portion of Advising Closely Held Businesses in Michigan
  • Co-author of “Tax Issues” portion of Advising Closely Held Businesses in Michigan
Image for Paul R. Jackson

Paul R.

  • Of Counsel

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Paul Jackson practices in the areas of tax and business law. Although Paul's practice involves all aspects of federal income taxation, he has particular expertise in counseling pass-through entities, including partnerships, limited liability companies and S corporations. He's also experienced in capital transactions, mergers and acquisitions, redemptions, incorporations and liquidations. He has worked extensively with like-kind exchanges, both simultaneous and deferred, including deferred exchanges structured outside of the revenue procedures. He also has established Domestic International Sales Corporations for manufacturing companies throughout Michigan.

Paul provides tax counseling to many health care providers, including West Michigan's largest hospital group. He also works with nonprofit organizations and organizations exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

  • Co-author of “Tax Issues” portion of Advising Closely Held Businesses in Michigan
  • Co-author of “Tax Issues” portion of Advising Closely Held Businesses in Michigan